Home Markets Detergents and Home Care
Detergents and Home Care
In the market of detergents and home care products, the consumers’ health becomes our mutual priority. It is our duty to offer you the best solutions complying with all the functional and legislative requirements. More info

Detergent labels – High quality standards

Specific to this market is the care we have for the health of consumers. It is our responsibility to come up with the best solutions so that the mandatory markings on the detergent labels remain visible under any conditions, without suffering any damage.

All packaging containing hazardous substances are marked with tactile self-adhesive labels, which reproduce texts in Braille, in order to be easily identified by visually impaired people.

Generally, for this market, labels are made on foil due to the wet environment in which they are used. At Rottaprint we always make sure that both the adhesive and the print remain intact on the label when the product is used.

Detergent labels printing | Rottaprint

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